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Introduction (description from contest)

I'm looking for all you soon to be brides out there that have found that special guy. You worked hard on planning your wedding to find just the right wedding gown, bridesmaid’s dresses, invitations, DJ, caterer, reception hall, chapel, church, garden, etc. I’m talking to those ladies that decided against using a wedding planner because you wanted to do this yourself. Hey, it’s your day right!? This is for you. I’m honoring the Best Bride Winter Edition of 2007. Maybe this is your second wedding/marriage perhaps the first one was a disaster. Open to those ever so entertaining Bridezillas also.

Rating: Normal
Third; Most Unique Wedding

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Second Special Task

Traditional Gifts

Last time round, my parents treated me to motorbike lessons for a wedding present. This time they're not here, so Marco's parents got together with my brother Frank... only the first I heard about it was an ominous phone call from the latter to say not to be alarmed by any movement heard during the day. We all make a habit of keeping each other's keys, you see... although let me tell you something about these three. Marco gets his silliness from [B]both[/B] his parents, and Frank's not much better - in fact I think he's worse. If they were indeed planning a gift, I soon wondered if I wanted to know what they had in mind.

When Marco and I woke up this particular night, the first thing we saw on leaving our sleeping quarters were all three of them - Manuel, Erin (his parents) and Frank - standing there in front of the master bedroom like the Three Stooges. I was quickly not liking the look on her face as they greeted us!

"Good evening to you too," I greeted dryly.
"Okay you two, close your eyes!" she told us. Marco and I could only exchange puzzled glances as we shrugged and did as we were asked.
I could feel myself being guided forwards, and while I stood there in the dark she began to prattle on in the fashion of one of those TV interior designers.
"I mean, light modern wood and dark red walls? That had to go for a start, to say nothing of the lighting! I know you like modern style Marco, but trying to do that in this kind of room, it just doesn't go darling."
I crossed my arms as my tittering joined the others in the room.
"Are you trying to say something Mother?!" came the playful biting reply.
"Ready?" Manuel asked.
"Yeah, we're ready!" I jumped in reply, becoming impatient.
"Okay, open!"
I did so, and as my eyes opened they grew wide at the sight that befell my eyes.

I may be more serious, but I'm not that bad. I just burst into laughter on seeing the bed, and Marco was just as bad!
"I take it you approve?" Frank checked.
I could only nod in reply as I tried to compose myself. Once I did Manuel had another surprise in store.
"Well, Erin and Frank tell me it's tradition to give the bride something.. oh, new, old...?"
"Oh yeah yeah," I acknowledged, before giving a little snort. "I've never been much of a traditionalist."
Manuel raised an eyebrow, and I could hear him thinking about Luca. I quickly raised a finger in reply.
"Careful," I warned.
"Well, we thought best to not take any chances this time," he said, "Here."

I chuckled a little as I accepted. "Thanks," I said, "So what's what?"
Manuel glanced at his son before leading me away. "It's meant to be a surprise for him, remember?"
"Yeah, okay," I replied as we went into a different room.
"Anyway," he answered, "Erin went digging through her wedding clothes to see what we could use. She decided to lend you the purse and give you the veil.
"Okay," was all I could say as he continued.
"You'll find out with the other two soon enough," he finished with a smile. I eyed him for a little while before opening the package, and began to cackle in delight on seeing the contents.
"Wow, thanks!" I grinned as I gave him a hug.

So what were these things? Well, here's the veil:

This is the purse:

He was right, I did figure the rest out for myself. My eyes widened on the "new" though - a jewellery box containing these little treasures:

And the blue? Put it this way, I hope it won't be noticeable under my dress:


A couple of the pics are a bit glitchy, sorry about that - one of them I couldn't help though, that's the trouble with necklaces on the athletic girl mesh :(

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