One of the pictures is glitchy - this is the fault of the object involved, but despite that I was determined to use it - you'll see why soon enough ;) Oh, for a couple of pics from the stag night I've attached a larger version - shrinking those were sacrilege :(
Think that's everything - here goes!
Damsels and Warrior Women
What with this being a double wedding, I only had to take a look at the other bride and her Mum for me to decide what we'd be doing for our hen night. It's not just the darker styles I like; I have a deep-seated love for medieval and fantasy, and given that the afore-mentioned ladies were born in that time, I only had to drop in a suggestion and the two maids of honour snatched upon it in an instant.
“Great idea!” Giana grinned at the mention. Giana is the wife of one of my ex's alien sons - he's not technically my family but he's as good as, even though we're now divorced. Besides, she asked me to be maid of honour at her wedding, so I felt it only right to return the favour - at any rate, it was her husband who got us in touch in the first place, and a lovely man he is too.
I don't know how sincere some of the others were at being up for the idea, or how much they like to dress up at the best of times, but me? I love it. I went to town with this baby - I can't wait!
Okay, it's not strictly medieval but it counts as fantasy – no women of my build would be caught dead in your usual dress anyway ;)
We'd hired out a place for the night that was perfect, although what little snow coated the ground earlier has melted by the time we arrive. With it being winter, a lot of us forego the theme altogether for a while and made a beeline for the ice-rink – I'm just grateful vampires don't feel the cold! We had to give Emily and her Mum Nadia some lessons though, bless them – they got the hang of it soon enough though. I feel for the girls in dresses – try to ice-skate in those long things?
As I glide along the ice I find some open space, and a smile spreads across my face. An urge to show off builds up inside, which can't be resisted. I really am wearing the wrong attire for this – women who'd wear armour wouldn't be so graceful on the ice, but I don't care.
We don't spend too long on there however, since some of the others have already gone inside out of the cold. We find them sitting with cups of coffee as they warm themselves by the crackling fire, and sit with them for some relaxing girl talk, mainly about our significant others. Although with Nadia and Emily sitting next to me and Lucia by us, that talk got very close to home. Lucia (in the purple dress) is married to another of my ex's alien sons. Emily is the teenage girl sharing my wedding, and her fiancĂ© is none other than my youngest son. What with Jeanette sitting by us too, things got a little awkward at first – Marco fathered her second child. Still, she says during our little chat he was better off with me, even saying she never deserved him. I make a mental note to myself to have a very long talk with her when we're both free.
“Hey, looky here!” she grins, pulling at something, and turns round brandishing a gleaming blade.
“Ooh, swords!” I grin as I join her. “Is there another one? ... Ah, beautiful!”
I tug at the handle and marvel at the slender, ornate weapon nestled in my hands.
“En garde!”
I look up just in time to see her sword swinging playfully at me, and instinctively block its path.
“Come on then,” she offers with a teasing smile, “Let's see what you've got!”
I sense the others crowding round us, and smile as I can hear them cheering us on while we spar.
After a while I can't help but look about myself. There really isn't much we can do here, not for a party. We can't spend the rest of the night on the ice rink either, it's not fair to the others who'd freeze.
“Who fancies going to a bar?” I offer. Hands everywhere shoot up in an instant, so off we go to the local metal joint. Complete with dance floor and hot tub... not to mention a drum kit! What to go for first...
The party animals among us decide for me and head for the dance floor. I get some strange looks at first and I begin to wish I had one of those traditional L plates to complete the look, although for me it's hardly accurate – what else is there to learn? With a then-husband turned werewolf and a wayward son I've probably done it all by now. Compared to the fun those two alone gave me, Marco and Vicky will be a cinch... all the more reason to celebrate!
I chuckle to myself as the conga song plays – I haven't heard that for years!
“Come on Mum!” Amy nudges, “You've got to lead!”
Well into the party spirit by now, I shuffle my way past the girls as, one by one, they latch onto each other as we manoeuvre through the bar.
The mortals among us decide it's time for some food, so we all sit at the tables while they eat and catch their breath from all the dancing. Among the chatter this time is wedding talk, and how well Nadia and her daughter Emily are adjusting to life here. They seem to be getting on fine, although at first Emily feels a little weird around me... I suppose I would too if I was in the same room as the mother of her fiancĂ© that I'd bitten by accident, but now's not really the time to go into that. As we sit around after they've finished eating, Erica and Lorna slink off for a little soak in the hot tub – we decide to leave them to it.
As time wears on, a good proportion of the girls grow tired and head home, leaving the undead to party on into the small hours. We still have to go home sometime though, and at about half six in the morning I arrive home after picking up Vicky, head upstairs and find a now familiar sight in the master bedroom. Still fully clothed and stretched out on the bed, he looks up at me with a mischievous grin and a sparkle in his eye. I merely smile to myself as I stretch out next to him, although he seems drawn to my outfit... can't think why(!)
“So, how was your night?” he asks casually after a while.
“Oh, it was cool thanks,” I reply in a similar air, “You?”
He smiles ominously as he says in reply “Oh, it's a long story...”
Painting the Town Black
Lesson for today, or rather tonight: Never let your gothic vampire Uncle arrange your stag night. Yes, my dear Uncle Kieran decided we should have a themed night and guess what he chose...
“Might as well get some good use out of those clothes I gave you, eh?” he says. Bah...
Still, as I apply the finishing touches to my attire, my eye sparkles as I pocket my camera. Dad has such a gentle disposition - I can't wait to see what he looks like! I just hope Kieran behaves himself...
I think now's a good time to list off the people who'll be attending - there's an awful lot of us, wouldn't want you to lose track would we? I've mentioned a few already, namely the party arranger himself, my Dad, and the guest of honour himself of course... although that doesn't just mean me. Sarah's youngest son Evan is also getting married, despite outwardly being such a young age. This is meant to be an adults-only affair due to the alcohol involved but... Evan's a vampire. He looks and acts sixteen, yet in real terms he's eighteen now. Also on the guest list are Sarah's brother Frank, as well as Johan and Carlos, half-alien brothers she regards as family even though they're not her children. Um, who else... ah yes. There's my younger brother Dante, my other Uncle Alex - now, he and Kieran were lovers, so I'd normally be cautious about inviting them both to the same event. I just hope his new boyfriend Gino will be able to keep him under control! Yes he's coming too, he's Sarah's oldest. Then there's my son Karl who's now at University, along with his and Evan's friends Rowan and Gino, my youngest brothers - Mum and Dad have been very busy over the years! Johan wanted to invite his father too, of course I agreed. Phew! Out of that little lot, it's Johan and Karl who are the Best Men for our double wedding - I thought it unfair that one man carried the burden for such a big affair, and Evan got to Johan before I did – all three of us have been through a lot together - so I asked my son instead.
Yes, it's the Best Man's job to organise the stag night, but for some reason Kieran was very keen to arrange it instead. Why I have yet to find out, but for now it's off to this rock/metal bar to begin our night. I decide to leave the car at home and fly there, only to find some of them have already arrived. A smile spreads across my face at the sight of one of them.
“Hey Dad!” I grin as I produce my camera, “Strike a pose!”
Now you know partly where I get it from! The other part? Mum of course ;)
Some of our guests are in their element with this theme, but others aren't so happy. Like my brothers for instance, although they go along with the idea. We spend about an hour or two in the bar before Kieran gets excited.
“Right, you ready?” he asks eagerly, his hands rubbing together in anticipation.
“I suppose so,” I reply, “Ready for what?”
“My big surprise!” he grins as we head off. The rest of us look about each other, all equally puzzled. Our best men shrug at me with a mixture of bewilderment and knowing, as if to say “This is why we let him arrange the night... whatever it is he has in mind.”
We arrive at what looks like an old church, but I recognise it as the Confession Nightclub... trust Kieran to pick this place. He's unusually chirpy as he enters, but I soon discover why as he stands in a wide open space with a broad grin on his face as he gestures broadly about him.
“This, my friends, is my business venture in-making with any luck!”
I can't help but stare in amazement at him. I know he's been itching to start a business at some point, but now it seems like he's ready to put this into practise pretty soon. He's not finished however, as he approaches me and drapes an arm round my shoulders.
“I have a proposition for you in fact,” he says, “Since you're very much the businessman yourself, how would you like to look after that side of things?”
My eyes widen as I look back at him. “Are you asking me to be your business partner?” I check.
“If you want to,” he replies, “I'm not forcing your hand.”
I begin to feel overwhelmed at the prospect, and a smile creeps across my face as the possibilities flit through my mind. But I quickly bring myself back to reality as I tell him I'll think about it. This isn't a small offer by any means, and it requires much discussion. My stag night is hardly the time to talk business.
“Of course,” he says before heartilly slapping my shoulder. “Come on, let me get you all a drink.”
He may be a goth and a big flirt, but he has a heart of gold.
The evening wears on and the alcohol flows freely - not a problem for us vampires as we can't get drunk, but it seems to be getting to the heads of the others. We all decide to have a dance as I silently hope I won't end up carrying one or more of them home - I'm already getting visions of my Dad passed out in my arms as I fly to his home, rehearsing what I'd say to Mum when she sees him.
I eventually feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to find Carlos, looking distinctively worse for wear although not enough to deteriorate his flow of speech.
“What's up?” I ask casually, although I can sense something strange in his train of thought.
“Can I ask you a favour please...?” he begins, before his mouth moves to my ear as he speaks again, in an effort to make himself more easily heard above the loud music. My head jerks away as I look him squarely in the eyes with a serious expression.
“Are you serious?” I check, “This isn't the wine talking is it?”
“No no, I've been thinking about it for a while,” he replies adamantly, shaking his head.
“What about your family?”
“They'll be fine!” he grins, “Lucy wants it anyway, we both spoke about it...”
“And you're 120 per cent sure about this are you?”
I smile to myself as I spot a gleam in his black eyes. “Alright then,” I agree, about to move off before I notice him already tugging at his shirt. “What, here?” I ask with a frown.
“Why not? Joe had it at his graduation!” he replies, referring to his younger green-skinned brother.
I look about myself nervously; my last time was in the privacy of my own home. This couldn't be more different.
“Come on!” he urges.
Eventually I shrug before obliging.
“What the...?” I hear someone exclaim.
My heart sinks as I recognise it as Dad's, and as I take my fill I can feel his eyes on me. I look up at him as I sheepishly wipe traces of green blood from my lips.
“He asked,” I offer meekly as I eye Carlos with slight concern. It may not be Dad I carry home in my arms...
Johan steps forward to scoop up his brother and carries him to nearby seating, setting him down as I self-consciously lick my lips, my eyes flicking between various human members of my family. Dante seems to be the only one remotely unmoved, but then he does live with a werewolf. Nonetheless, I don't relish the fact that my family has seen this side of me – dinnertime isn't a topic I generally discuss with them given what it entails.
During the course of the night Carlos recovers, and after a spot of relaxing - be it playing pool or darts with a few more drinks in between - I rummage in my pockets for the camera again, asking a passer-by if they would kindly help capture a souvenir of my - well, our - big party night.
Oh for heaven's sake... I'll be slapping certain family members afterwards, that's for sure! Oh, who's who? Well, some you've seen already but I'll go through it again: From the left, there's me and my son Karl, Alex, Kieran, the man laying on the floor is Frank, above him is Dad, my brothers Rowan, Dante and Gino, then fledgling vampire Carlos, below him is his father. Then there's Evan's brother Gino, the lad himself and our good friend Johan.
Maybe I should attach a sharp objects warning to that photo – there are a lot of fangs on display! I suppose the theme was fitting for that reason alone... oh, and when the night's over I fly home empty handed, thankfully. Still, better to get the eventful stuff out of the way prior to the wedding – I for one don't fancy a repeat of what happened when Johan and Giana got married.
That last pic drove me absolutely nuts. Moving them around was one thing, but when they stubbornly refused to look at the camera, instead gassing to their friends even though I'd cancelled the sitting action in the queue...
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